Maternity leave at 29 weeks - too soon? (2024)



Married, mummy to 4

Maternity leave at 29 weeks - too soon? (1)

Feb 16, 2010
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  • Aug 28, 2012
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I am thinking about taking my maternity leave the full 11 weeks before baby is due! im in a job which i dont particularly enjoy anyways and now im being told im not working quick enough for them! I feel so tired everyday already as im not sleeping at night and now im having spd type symptoms and its causing me so much pain and waking me in the night!
i just dont need the hassle of being told im not doing my job right on top of everything!

Do you think it is too soon at 29 weeks to take mat leave? I wont be returning (Certainly never to this job anyways) to work straight away after baby comes.


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It's never too soon, it's when's best for you Hun. If your too tired then it's prob best to take time off earlier so that you can rest which will be better for both of you. I'm going to be taking early mat leave aswell (haven't decided exactly when yet though) for a number of reasons the main one being I work as a health care within mental Health which the residents can get aggressive, also I work 12 hour shifts which ano will be too much soon and also same as you I've had enough of working for the company ATM as the bosses are being horrible to me (funnily enough ever since I told them I'm pregnant) and can't be bothered work for them lol. So yeah I can't wait or my early mat leave Maternity leave at 29 weeks - too soon? (3) enjoy it Hun.



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Im going at 32 weeks.
I hate the company I work for, and I wont be going back, if it means going back to work when LO is 6/7 months then I dont mind, because I can work for a company who dont treat their employees like crap!!!
If your suffering take it early! I would. But OH works partime, so hoping he gets a FT very very soon!!

ms sunshine

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no I don't but them in biased as that's when I am taking mine and it will be for a year lol I don't like my job either but I had a bad start to the pregnancy and although all is OK now I am looking forward to relaxing and trying to enjoy it. I travel for my job too so I think when I am bigger and tireder it won't be healthy for me. so my advice is not to feel bad about taking it early but start thinking of all the fun things you can do for when your little one arrives and enjoy it x



  • Aug 28, 2012
  • #5

I'm taking maternity at 29 weeks... why not??

  • Aug 28, 2012
  • #6

Keep in mind that you're only allowed a certain amount of time in total.
If you're not returning to work there at all then you will actually be resigning not going on maternity leave! Then you can go whenever you want! Especially if money isn't an issue, therefore forcing you to return to a job after a certain amounbt of months. If this were the case, then I'd advise leaving more time to be spent after baby is born!



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New2Bumps said:

Keep in mind that you're only allowed a certain amount of time in total.
If you're not returning to work there at all then you will actually be resigning not going on maternity leave! Then you can go whenever you want! Especially if money isn't an issue, therefore forcing you to return to a job after a certain amounbt of months. If this were the case, then I'd advise leaving more time to be spent after baby is born!

Im not going back but im not resigning until im due to go back so they keep my job if the very worst comes to it.. I guess it looks better if they think your going back as my work would cut my hours again (although its illegeal, they just say - we dont have the work for you) I cant risk my hours being cut anymore.. 40 to 15 is more than enough to be dropped! Maternity leave at 29 weeks - too soon? (6)



Married, mummy to 4

Maternity leave at 29 weeks - too soon? (7)

Feb 16, 2010
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  • Aug 28, 2012
  • #8

im so glad im not the only one thinking about going at 29 weeks!!

I thought you could take your maternity leave and then before going back to work hand in your notice. this is the way im doing it anyways!!!
im taking mine for 1 year and will hand my notice in 4-8 weeks before i am due to go back.

I absolutely hate this job at the minute! No matter how much i do its never enough for them!


Mum of 4
Jul 9, 2010
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I'm taking mine at 31 weeks but I'm taking 2 weeks holiday before that so 29 weeks. I also work in severe learning difficulties/ mental health. I was moved to a low risk work place as soon as I found out I was pregnant and was risk assessed to make sure me and baby are ok and that I'm not doing to much as the work is so demanding. I will be returning after baby is born, but only for a short time. This is so I can claim my ocupational maternity pay on top of my SMP x


Sarah Lou 80

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I'm going at 29 weeks. I hate my job. I'm only part time but I'm on my feet all day and it's generally physically demanding. I'm also not going back but won't be handing my notice in until a month before I'm due back.

I've had guilt trips over whether it's too early but after a nasty customer incident the other day I thought, sod it, the stress of the job isn't worth it!

Do what you think is right and enjoy it!


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I'm staying on until 36 weeks but it's defo a personal choice so go for it!

Keep in mind though that NO workplace can have a go at you for going too slow - you can talk to HR as it's classed as bullying/sexism. They take things like this very seriously!

Don't let anyone tell you how you're supposed to feel! Good Luck! xx



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I finish this Friday, holiday and then straight into maternity leave so I am finishing at 26+1 I don't think 29 weeks is too early. I can't wait to finish.



Mammy to 2 beauts! xx
Feb 1, 2011
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I finished at 29 weeks with my last pregnancy (still on maternity leave and currently preggy with no2 so def not going back! ha) I worked in a demanding, moving and handling, mental health issues type job that required me to travel aswell! I was super tired and struggled although the company did everything to ensure baby and I was safe, the job plain and simple is not for a pregnant person. I had a very easy first pregnancy, no probe, physically felt well, so dread to think how those with spd and the such cope.

Go when you are ready and no later! Enjoy every single week of maternity leave, lap up the sleep, the lie ins and rest! I loved my maternity leave before baby - I did a lot for me and hubby. It didnt feel like I was just hanging around waiting for baby at all. And when they come! WOW, that time goes quick!! This time I dont think there will be much luck of any chill time with and under 1 and heavily pregnant!! hehe!!

And you can hand your notice in and not owe anything as long as they are just paying you stat. If they have 'topped up' your maternity pay, they may require you to go back for up to 26 weeks part time or pay back what you received...

Enjoy maternity!! Maternity leave at 29 weeks - too soon? (10)


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I would take maternity leave earlier if I could but it isn't feasable for me so i'll be working up til 36 weeks which is much longer than i'd like to Maternity leave at 29 weeks - too soon? (12) - although, i don't hate my job otherwise this would be a different story!

I don't think that it's too early for you to take ML. Especially if you are in pain, not sleeping and have SPD type symptoms!! Get out of there & spend your last few weeks resting up & preparing for your Little One.

Hope you don't suffer too much for the last few weeks and manage to get some proper rest xxx

Maternity leave at 29 weeks - too soon? (13)

(P.S - My MIL keeps telling me how they used to give up work at 6 months years ago and it was uncommon to continue working after this!!)


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My Nana also told me the other day that they used to go on maternity leave at 6 months & was very rare for anyone to go back to work! I wish lol

anyway, I was debating taking my mat leave at 26w because the job I do is very demanding, lots of pressure &stress & winter it's the worst so definitely wouldn't be able to cope. oh, I also HATE it too. Anyway last week my supervisor offered me a solution, said I can move to another role (it's like a demotion because it's a step backwards but same pay because they can't drop wages) I totally went for it, it's easy & no responsibility &I feel so relieved because now I don't have to go on Mat leave early & can work add long as poss do I get more time with baby before going back. Keep in mind tho of you're not going back to work then your employer will ask you to party the extra money back (only if they're paying you extra than SMP) but at the end of the day you have to do what's best for you. Being stressed at that time of your pregnancy can put you & baby in danger x

Sorry about all the typos, I'm on my phone & can't get used to swype Maternity leave at 29 weeks - too soon? (15)


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I don't think it's too soon and especially when you dislike you're job and you're not planning on returning. I do like my job and I'm planning to finish at 35 weeks and taking 3 weeks holiday, so mat leave starting at 38 weeks. However, every day is a struggle for me just now as my SPD seems to be getting worse. I'm going to see how it goes and if I can't manage, I'm just going to get the doctor to sign me off sick until my holidays kick in. I get paid when I'm off sick anyway so not too fussed.

Do what's right for you.



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Sparrow85 said:

I don't think it's too soon and especially when you dislike you're job and you're not planning on returning. I do like my job and I'm planning to finish at 35 weeks and taking 3 weeks holiday, so mat leave starting at 38 weeks. However, every day is a struggle for me just now as my SPD seems to be getting worse. I'm going to see how it goes and if I can't manage, I'm just going to get the doctor to sign me off sick until my holidays kick in. I get paid when I'm off sick anyway so not too fussed.

Do what's right for you.

If you go on sick relating to pregnancy in the last 11 weeks this can be deemed as going on maternity leave.



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If money is not an issue then I believe it is never too early to go on ML!! Especially if there are health issues. I will be working up to 38 weeks (all going to plan), but that is purely because i only get a certain amount of paid leave (30 weeks), and I want to save it all for when baby arrives - with a mortgage, we cant afford for me to take any unpaid ML so I'll have to go back to work as soon as the $$ dry up. if money wasnt an issue, i'd prob go at 36 weeks, and stay off work for a year - my only worry is that i'd get bored waiting for baby to arrive in those 4 weeks..

Do whatever works for your family, and good luck to you I say!!



First Baby Due <3
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I took my maternity at that time & I don't for one second regret 80 hrs a week on my feet 10 hrs a day lol x



Married, mummy to 4

Maternity leave at 29 weeks - too soon? (17)

Feb 16, 2010
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  • Aug 29, 2012
  • #20

Thanks for all your replies ladies!Maternity leave at 29 weeks - too soon? (18)
i think im definately going to go when im 29 weeks. I was going to finish on the 28th September but i will be 28 weeks and 6 days then and i think the boss will be funny about me not being exactly 29 weeks when i finish! What do you think? do you think he could be funny about it or would i be safer working until the following Friday when i would be 29+6?

I just cant wait to get out of here now! Was up at 5 this morning trying to figure out how im going to be able to get my work done so it keeps them all happy and have decided to give up trying cos no matter how hard i work it never seems to be enough.

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Maternity leave at 29 weeks - too soon? (2024)


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